1. Forgot password
Press the [Forgot password] button in case you need to reset the password. An SMS will be sent to your registered phone number with a verification code.
2. Sign up and join the community of Zero2
Download “Zero2” from App Store and Google Play Store. Sign up by filling in basic information and finishing a short tutorial.
3. How do I update my password and other personal details?
For password, please go to [Account] > [Change Password]. For personal details, please go to [Account] > [Update Personal Details].
4. How can I delete my account on Zero2?
You may request to delete your account by clicking [My Account] > [Setting] > [Delete Account], or send your request email to cs.zero2@negawatt.co directly. We will process your request within 3 working days. When the request is accepted, you will not able to login the account, and all related data will be deleted within 14 days. Please note that once your account is deleted, all related data will be destroyed and it cannot be recovered.