ESPig Talk: 14

🌍🌟 Hey Planet Heroes! 🌟🌍
🌱 Ever wondered what happens if we let our carbon footprint keep growing in Hong Kong? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (known as the IPCC) produces a scientiifc report on the current status of climate change and its impacts through differnt scenarios our future could take. It forecasts the follwing scenrios based on climate adaptation (adjusting to new impacts) and climate mitigation (preventing severe impacts):
🔥 1.5°C Scenario: If we work hard to limit our emissions (that’s mitigation!), we can keep global warming below 1.5°C. This means less extreme heatwaves and sea level rise, protecting our coastlines and biodiversity. We can also adapt by building stronger sea walls and conserving water.
🔥 2°C Scenario: If emissions continue at current rates, we could reach 2°C of warming. This brings more intense heatwaves and risks to food and water supplies (that’s where adaptation comes in—like drought-resistant crops and better drainage systems). We’ve already caused some irreversible damage to coral reefs and Arctic ice.
🔥 3°C and Beyond: Letting emissions soar could lead to over 3°C of warming. This brings severe threats like higher sea levels, stronger storms, and risks to Hong Kong’s unique ecosystems and potentially severe social instability. We shouldn’t let it come to this at all!
🚀 Join Zero2 to become a Planet Hero! Every action counts—like recycling and using less energy—to help us meet Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan (Net Zero emissions by 2050!). Let’s work together to safeguard our future!
Read more about Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan here: