ESPig Talk: 12

🚀🦸🏻‍♂️Planet Heroes! You may have heard that The Greenhouse Effect is bad, but I’m here to break it down and illustrate how its is a critical phenomenon for our survival.
🐷:What is the Greenhouse Gas Effect?
It’s essentially greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane an dmore) forming a blanket in the atmosphere to keep Earth Cozy and warm. It traps some of the sun’s heat, keeping our planet warm and comfy (around 15°C on average). This is essential! Without it, the earth’s temperature would drop too much at night, preventing life to survive.
🐷:Then what’s the problem?
Burning fossil fuels releases extra greenhouse gases, acting like extra layers of blankets that trap too much heat. This can lead to rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, and even disrupt wildlife habitats! Scientists say keeping the global temperature rise between 1.5°C to 2°C is crucial. It’s like finding the perfect temperature for your food – warm enough to enjoy, but not so hot you get burnt.☀️
🐷:But 1.5 and 2 C are such a small temperature rise, how does it pose a threat?
Imgaine turning up the heat on a pot of warm water – a few degrees might not seem like much, but it can cause the water to boil, completely changing its state. Similarly, a small rise in global temperature can disrupt weather patterns, causing more frequent heat waves, droughts, floods, and storms. 🌪️Rising sea levels threaten coastal communities and ecosystems. Even seemingly small changes can have a domino effect, impacting everything from food production to migration patterns.
♻️By adopting greener habits and reducing our carbon footprint, we can ensure Earth falls asleep comfortable with the right blankets for generations to come. Complete more ZERO2 missions and reduce your emissions!