ESPig Talk: 11

🐷: What is CDP Score?
🔖CDP Scores – A scorecard for the Planet! They’re a way to see how businesses are tackling climate change, water security, and deforestation. Think “A” for awesome environmental action and “F” for falling behind.
🐷: So, how are they measured?
🕵🏻Companies answer questionnaires on their environmental strategies, emissions data, and deforestation risks. Experts then analyze the responses, awarding scores based on transparency, action plans, and progress.
🐷: Why are they important?
🔋CDP scores empower you! You can use them to choose brands that prioritize sustainability and hold businesses accountable for their environmental impact. High CDP scores incentivize companies to adopt eco-friendly practices, paving the way for a greener future.
🐷:Want to identify A-grade Companies?
♻️Visit the CDP website and their directory to list all the companies that have been scored. Use this information to choose your brands and products carefully and support those taking real action.
🐷:How can ZERO2 help?
♻️You can live sustainably by doing our missions!
♻️If you’re an individual, how would you score your sustainability performance? Use your sustainability level visible on the home page to understand your impact (higher the level, better the score!). Complete more ESG Missions and increase your impact!