ESPig Talk: 06


🌎🐷Restore Our Land: Celebrate United Nation’s World Environment Day in Hong Kong!

Hong Kong may be a bustling metropolis, but even here, land degradation is a pressing issue.  Did you know that over 70% of Hong Kong’s land is considered “modified” due to development and urbanization?   That’s a significant portion of our natural environment under threat.

🌱This year’s World Environment Day (June 5th) focuses on #GenerationRestoration – a call to action to heal the planet’s damaged ecosystems.  Land degradation, desertification, and drought are major threats, affecting everything from the food we receive on our tables to the air we breathe.

🐷:How can you contribute to UN’s World Environment Day this year?

By supporting local green initiatives, planting trees, or simply reducing your consumption, and recycling you can contribute to restoring our precious land.  Imagine the impact if everyone in Hong Kong got involved!

🐷:I can’t plant trees near me, what can I do instead?

No problem! Did you know you can plant one virtually through ZERO2? Compelte your ESG missions, earn rewards, increase your avoided emssions and convert them into virtual trees. For every tree “planted” on ZERO2, we plant one actual tree in Tanzania and support land restoration!

🚀Let’s celebrate and protect our beautiful environment for future generations.  Join the movement, choose sustainable practices, and be part of the #GenerationRestoration! It’s our land, our future.