ESPig Talk: 05


🪐Ever wondered how countries are graded on their SDG progress?

Enter the SDG Index! It’s like a giant report card that tracks how nations are doing on achieving the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – those awesome goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and create a happier world by 2030.

🐷: So, how does this report card work?

🐷: Imagine a massive pie chart, with each slice representing an SDG (like no poverty, clean water, or climate action). Researchers gather data on each country’s performance in these areas. The more progress a country makes, the bigger its slice of the pie!

But it’s not just a popularity contest!

They also consider how well countries are tackling challenges within each goal.  For example, a country with high literacy rates might get a bigger slice for “Quality Education” than a country with just a few fancy schools.

🐷:How do we read this report card?

High Scores (closer to 100): These countries are rockstars in achieving the SDGs! They’re leading the pack and inspiring others.
Mid-Range Scores: On the right track, but there’s still room for improvement. Keep climbing that SDG mountain!
Low Scores: These countries need extra support to reach their SDG goals. Let’s work together to help them out!

🐷: Which country have the highest SDG ranking in 2023?
Finland (Ranked 1, scored 86.76)
Sweden (Ranked 2, scored 85.96)

For the top SDG performers in Asia (as of 2023):

Japan (Ranked 21, scored 79.39)
South Korea (ranked 31, scored 78.06)
Vietnam (ranked 55, scored 73.26)
China (ranked 63, scored 72.01)
Singapore (ranked 64, scored 71.78)

Remember, the SDG Index is a tool to track progress, not a final exam. Every country, big or small, can improve on their SDGs. What can you do to contribute to the SDGs?
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