ESPig Talk

ESPig Talk: 18

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🐷🛤️Sustainable Transport and Travel Tips: Hong Kong Style! Ever wondered what makes travel “sustainable” and how you can easily get on board? In simple terms, sustainable travel means choosing ways to get around that are good for both you and the planet. It’s all about reducing our carbon footprint and conserving resources while making …

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ESPig Talk: 17

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🌟 Hey Planet Heroes! 🌟 Let’s dive into “Smart” Waste Management! What is it? it’s the use of technology to improve how we handle waste. This means using sensors, data, and automation to make waste collection and recycling more efficient and eco-friendly. Hong Kong’s smart waste management is soaring with innovation! Thanks to the …

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ESPig Talk: 16

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🐷🚀Hey Planet Heroes! Just as you save electricity, water, recycle, and more, buildings can be eco-friendly too! Smart and green buildings are designed to be self-sufficient and environmentally friendly. Ever wondered what makes a building “green” in Hong Kong? Introducing some common green building certifications: ✅BEAM Plus: This is Hong Kong’s own green building …

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ESPig Talk: 15

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🐷🚀Introducing Sustainable Technologies Part 1 – Smart Sensors and LEDs. 📚Hey there, Planet Heroes! Let’s talk tech with a green twist! Did you know that those tiny, smart sensors and energy-efficient LED lights are quietly saving our city? Imagine Hong Kong’s towering buildings equipped with smart sensors. They’re like tiny eco-warriors, monitoring energy use …

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ESPig Talk: 12

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🌎🚀Demystifying the Carbon Footprint: Your Everyday Impact on Our Planet Imagine a meter that tracks the invisible trail of greenhouse gases you leave behind each day – that’s essentially your carbon footprint. It’s a measure of the total amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked to your activities, which contribute to climate change (read …

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ESPig Talk: 12

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🚀🦸🏻‍♂️Planet Heroes! You may have heard that The Greenhouse Effect is bad, but I’m here to break it down and illustrate how its is a critical phenomenon for our survival. 🐷:What is the Greenhouse Gas Effect? It’s essentially greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane an dmore) forming a blanket in the atmosphere …

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ESPig Talk: 11

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🐷: What is CDP Score? 🔖CDP Scores – A scorecard for the Planet! They’re a way to see how businesses are tackling climate change, water security, and deforestation. Think “A” for awesome environmental action and “F” for falling behind. 🐷: So, how are they measured? 🕵🏻Companies answer questionnaires on their environmental strategies, emissions data, …

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ESPig Talk: 10

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🚀🐷:Superheroes are not only strong, but also smart! Can you tell myth from fact? Let’s bust some common recycling myths together to understand how we an help Hong Kong meet it’s climat target while earning rewards and doing good.♻️ ❓Myth 1: Recyclables need to be spotless to be recycled. 🧑🏻‍🏭Fact: Minor dirt and debris …

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ESPig Talk: 09

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🗑️🌱Turning trash into treasure is easier than you think with Zero2! Let’s make a difference together and protect our planet one recycled item at a time. 🐷: What is recycling? Recycling is a process that gives everyday items a second life! Instead of throwing them away, we reprocess them into new products. 🐷: Why …

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ESPig Talk: 08

💡【ESPig🐷Talk】📝 🐷⚡️:Think Green, Invest Green: Understanding Green Funds & Bonds Imagine you’re saving money for a brighter future. Green funds and bonds are like ways to save for the planet’s future too! Do you know what green funds and green bonds are? 💰Green Funds: Green funds are a mix of stocks and bonds that focus …

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