ESPig Talk: 12

🌎🚀Demystifying the Carbon Footprint: Your Everyday Impact on Our Planet
Imagine a meter that tracks the invisible trail of greenhouse gases you leave behind each day – that’s essentially your carbon footprint. It’s a measure of the total amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions linked to your activities, which contribute to climate change (read our last post to undersatnd GHGs!).
🐷: Why do we need to measure carbon footprint?
Here in Hong Kong, with its vibrant cityscape and reliance on energy, the average resident’s carbon footprint amounts to roughly 4.55 tonnes of CO2 equivalent annually. This figure highlights the collective impact of our choices, from transportation to consumption habits. Remember we need to keep global temperature rise betrween 1.5 to 2 degrees celsius? the carbon footprint is a tool to meaure our impact and porgress towards this goal. Hong Kong plans to ensure our carbon footprint per person reaches 2.5 tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2035 to reach net-zero by 2050.
🦸🏻‍♂️Athough we have along way to go to reduce the city’s footprint, it’s important to dispel some common misconceptions surrounding carbon footprints.
❌Myth: Large industrial facilities are the sole contributors to significant carbon footprints.
✅Fact: Individual choices significantly influence our carbon footprint. Consider your daily routine – transportation choices, energy consumption at home, and even dietary habits all contribute to your footprint.
❌Myth: Individual actions have a negligible impact on the environment.
✅Fact: Collective action holds immense power. Even seemingly small changes, like opting for public transportation or reducing energy consumption, can collectively lead to substantial reductions in GHG emissions. See your progress and impact on ZERO2! 📑
🚀Understanding your carbon footprint empowers you to become a planet hero! ZERO2 missions are designed to reduce your footprint and are a proof of your impact, show your collegeus, friednsa nad familyand inspire more change.